Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses 95 made through the interweaving of operations that would mani- fest themselves according to complex feedbacks, of a non-linear nature, going beyond regulatory retroactions. In this landscape, circulation leaves traces, expressing clues about an interactional model that, in addition to showing that it is not just a transit zone, shows the realization of another type of work in the con- figuration of new conditions of production and meaning effects. II – Circulation in the transmission landscape From a more classic point of view, in the communica- tional-journalistic process, the notion of circulation appears as- sociated with the functions attributed to the media and their op- erations. Their mediating dimension is highlighted by the task they perform, the codification of reality, which they would do in an attempt to restore the “primary scene.” It would only come to light through the operations of a discursive character material- ized in the news as a substitute formation. It is at this level that the role of journalism pedagogy stands out, as representational work. This “coding system” corresponds to what Darnton at- tributes as the norms which are built on the frontier of the jour - nalistic field itself, and that leads him to affirm that everything that is in convergence with its rationality is the object of the work of news (DARNTON, 1990). Thus, the mediating rationality of the journalistic work emerges restoring the real through the nature of its enunciating activity. This assumption emphasizes the centrality of the journalistic system as a specific place, a kind of reader system . This perspective draws attention to the journalistic work as a transmission practice, not yet capturing that, despite its rationality, the journalistic discourse would immerse amid other dynamics of statements in whose scenarios circulation would be a dynamic instance of connections, contamination of various signs and discursivities, according to operations based on differ- ent “grammars.” According to the transmission perspective, circu- lation would be a passage zone of a (journalistic) message from a productive pole (A) to another (B) receiving one, in which the