Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Antonio Fausto Neto 98 viate from the appreciation of circulation under the prism of me- dia scheduling. Other links between political and media discourse were highlighted, as well as circulatory processes that generated their exposure. Noteworthy is the transformation of the winning body-image of the candidate, which would strip itself of the “old unionist” aura, and be invested by rules that would try to trans- form him into a “significant body” of a media nature (FAUSTO NETO, 2003). The election takes place within the scope of com- plex structures of media and non-media mediation that are ex- pressed according to another circulatory landscape. In this, the media would divide the production of mean- ings with other discursive practices, according to the work of dif- ferent grammars and co-announcements. Circulation as a “pas- sage zone” gives way to another, a complex one, whose borders build-up of strength and interfaces woven by strategies from vari- ous fields and their agencies. The circulation emerges invested in a dynamic that gives rise to a kind of “contact zone,” generating possibilities for complex interactions, as we will see next. III – Circulation between dissolutions and entanglements Mutations that manifest in the journalistic landscape in the context of mediatization show that themeanings that circulate are no longer examined by logics/effects of the agenda-setting, and start to take into account a problem raised by the transaction of agendas . If, in the past, what we knew about reality would come from the work of media, in more recent times, levels of complexi- fication of mediation were observed. Heterogeneous articula - tions are perceived between social practices and their discursive manifestations, which reflect on the possibilities of what we know about the world. Disputes of meanings intersect, increasingly, around the foundations of multiple media references and other natures. One of the first consequences of these complexifying ar - ticulations of the process of construction and dissemination of the event is the fact that its fabric is made less – and unilaterally – in the exclusive borders of the journalistic field and, increasingly, by articulation with logics, practices, and discursive operations of