Extended Abstracts (English)





Abstracts must be sent electronically, following the system steps, using the link provided above.
Submission must be made using the link: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS!
Submission will be made using the form published here on the hotsite. The expanded abstracts sent will be inserted into the OJS system (the link will be published after the submission period) and will undergo evaluation and publication there.
Template for Expanded Summary (ENGLISH): CLICK HERE TO ACCESS!
Step-by-step tutorial to remove authorship in Word: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS!



For publication in the Annals of expanded abstracts it is necessary:

  1. Submission according to the rules, theme and format of the Mediatization Seminar
  2. Registration for the event within the established deadline and payment of the registration fee;

For the Annals of papers, it is necessary:

  1. Meet editorial call rules that will be informed to all registrants with approved extended abstracts;
  2. Registration for the event within the established deadline and payment of the registration fee;

 To participate in the event, you must:

  1. Registrate to the event within the established deadline and payment of the registration fee;

To be certified, you must:

  1. Have participated in 75% of the scheduled activities, with a documented presence in attendance lists. It is mandatory to participate in at least 3 meetings of the working groups;


Articles in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish are accepted.

Each work can be signed up by to 3 authors.

Each author can submit two works: 1 (one) work as an author or/and one as a co-author.

Extension: between 1500 and 2000 words with title, 3 to 5 keywords, with tables, diagrams and / or figures.

Images: insert in the text in original format (.jpeg, .png, .tiff), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

The text must either be submitted in doc or docx format.

Abstracts should be prepared without any marks of authorship, respecting the submission criteria for blind evaluation. If approved, they will be published with linked name(s) and institution(s).

Due to the blind evaluation format, files must be sent in .doc or .docx format and the name of the authorship must be REMOVED in the option “File” -> “Related People” -> “Author”.

Any and all authorship identification must be REMOVED from the archive, including any bibliography cited. This will guarantee the peer review confidentiality criterion. Papers submitted outside this standard may be refused. In case of doubts, consult the event Executive Committee, via email midiatizacao.seminario@gmail.com, before the final submission.


Text title: Title in the language of the article and in English. If the article is written in English, it must also present the title in Portuguese. With a maximum of 240 characters with space. Title format: Times New Roman font, size 16, bold, single space (1.0), centralized.

Body text: Times New Roman font, size 12, space between lines 1.5, justified.

In case of subtitles, proceed as follows:

Subtitles (or chapter and section titles): Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, aligned to the left margin, with a space line before and after; Sections must be numbered with Arabic numerals, which can be primary (1, 2, 3…), secondary (1.1, 1.2, 2.1…), tertiary (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 2.1.1…) quaternary (1.1 .1.1,,…) and so on.

References: bibliographic and other references should be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, size 12, single spaced, as in the models below.

Citations: citations inside the text must obey the following rules:

  1. a) An author: (Leipnitz, 1987);
  2. b) Two authors: (Turner and Verhoogen, 1960);
  3. c) Three or more authors: (Amaral et al., 1966);
  4. d) Works with the same author (s) and the same date / same year must be distinguished by lowercase letters immediately after the date. Ex: (Amaral, 2008a) Amaral, 2008b);

Presentation of citations: a) Citations with less than three lines must be incorporated into the text in quotation marks; b) Citations with more than three lines should be presented in an isolated paragraph, with simple spacing between lines, body 11 pt and indentation 4 cm from the left margin of the text.

Footnotes: Footnotes should be used sparingly. Only explanatory footnotes are allowed and notes that contain only bibliographic references are not allowed. These should be listed, at the end of the text, with no item ‘References’.

Bibliographical references: ABNT


The evaluation will be made by the Peer Review Committee, of the peer review type, made by at least two external reviewers.

After evaluation in the form of notes and classifieds, abstracts will be considered accepted or not.

Authors can request the issued opinions.

Authors can submit appeals in up to five days. It will be evaluated by a third reviewer, definitively.

The Scientific Committee organizes the work carried out in the GWs constituted in the process, according to the research themes / objects (see https://www.midiaticom.org/seminariointernacional/gts/).

The spontaneous submission of any submission automatically implies the complete withdrawal of the copyright of the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), which publishes them in the free access format.