Call for Papers – English

Dear Colleagues,

The submission period for expanded abstracts for the VI International Seminar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes is now open. The Seminar will occur in a hybrid form according to the following schedule:

– Expanded abstract submission: online until March 5, 2024.

– Working Groups Presentations: remotely, the definition of dates will happen between March and April 2024. There will be an in-person event for the Working Group in May, the same week as the Panels at USP.

– Debate Panels: in person, at ECA/USP, from May 06-10, 2024. Some of the panels will occur remotely in March and April.


Theme of the VI Mediatization Seminar:

The next edition of the event will focus on three theme axes thought on a communicational view, in the mediatization perspective: Anthropocene, Social Classification, and Environment. These three axes, guiding the call for Papers, range from approaches originating in Anthropology to those related to the technological characterization that mark contemporary capitalist societies.

It is relevant to highlight that the axes mentioned previously permeate the Seminar and do not correspond to Working Groups that will be formed after the submission of abstracts. To read the full call, please visit:



Expanded abstracts must be sent in the form below, following the anonymity rules and template informed in

More information:




Yours sincerely,


Jairo Ferreira (UFSM); Ada Cristina Machado Silveira (UFSM); Eneus Trindade (USP); Aline Dalmolin (UFSM); Ana Paula da Rosa (UNISINOS); Flavi Ferreira Lisboa Filho (UFSM).



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