O que são notícias?

Público jovem, mídia digital e mediatização de notícias

  • Stina Bengtsson Södertörn University


This presentation presents a theoretical and methodological approach to studying news perceptions and practices among young adults in digital culture. 

Digital media transform news. Firstly we see this in changing use patterns. Young people today show a decline in interest in traditional news formats and practices, such as watching the evening news on TV or reading a daily newspaper. But digital media also transform production and distribution of news, leading to new ways to conceptualise and understand news. In light of these profound transformations in audience behaviour many have started to question the concept of news in news research.

In light of such altered production and distribution contexts which fundamentally impact on audiences’ definitions and perceptions, this will paper presents an alternative way to theoretically and methodologically approach news, beyond traditional news research.

Como Citar
BENGTSSON, Stina. O que são notícias?. Anais de Resumos Expandidos do Seminário Internacional de Pesquisas em Midiatização e Processos Sociais, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 4, oct. 2020. ISSN 2675-4169. Disponível em: <https://midiaticom.org/anais/index.php/seminario-midiatizacao-resumos/article/view/1157>. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.