Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

157 Circulation of faces: from the magic formula to resistance Ana Paula da Rosa1 Abstract: This article aims to discuss the transformation pro- cesses that society has been going through, in particular, due to the context of mediatization. More and more, the logics of mediatization, beyond the media, are learned by subjects who ascend to the discursive space. That is, visibility criteria, opera- tions and tactics of exposition/erasure and circularity of meanings become elements in the interactions, guiding different ac- tions. Thus, in this work, we return to thinking of the knowledge in circulation about the circulation of images2. Our focus is on understanding how the “learning” of mediatization logics affect the circulation of meanings about conflicts, especially the circu- lation of children’s faces. Our investigation case is formed by a set of images in which children have their faces disclosed as op- posed to a set of denied, non-impregnating faces. In this sense, the provocation we raise here is divided into two axes: 1) how do mediatization logics affect the display of children’s faces as symbols of conflict? and 2) how does establishing value in inter- actions demand new tactics to constitute a condition of visibility? As theoretical contributions, we mobilized the concepts of rostity and alterity in Lévinas (1980), the circulation approach (FAUSTO NETO, 2013; ROSA, 2019), in addition to straining two 1 Coordinator and a professor at PPG in Ciências da Comunicação at UNISINOS. ORCID: LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq. br/2166615059295438. E-MAIL: 2 This article integrates part of the research developed within the Project “Circu- lation of Images: permanence, fading, and new ways of sharing the visible” with the support of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).