Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 22 and requires us to consider it in the semiosis of its processes (Jairo Ferreira). If mediation consists of transmissive communication between a sender who, while transmitting, models what the receiver should think and how he should act, mediatization, on the contrary, does not impose objectives to be transmitted; quite the opposite, it refers to a way of life that, crossed by technical means of multiple characteristics, transmits nothing, except the experience of being communicating and interactive beings. Through mediatization, we can perceive the world while it allows us, in real-time, the interactional experience of being ev- erywhere and at all times. Mediatization allows us to be aware that we are citizens of the world we inhabit and which inhabits us. The subtlety of this concept lies in making us realize that technicality requires us to experiment with new ways of think- ing and acting, opposing, therefore, any mimetic activity that can prevent us from acting creatively in the place and in the way we live or want to live. Assuredly this anti-mimetic facet of media- tization remains hidden until we admit that it invites us to communicate without imposing the form we should communicate (Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Igor Sacramento). 4. Mediatization at the University As a producer of knowledge, mediatization presents itself as a challenge for the university and its social exercise, espe- cially when challenged to respond to unforeseen and imprecise phenomenal contingencies as occur, for example, when local and global society faces obstacles such as the pandemic reality cur- rently experienced (Fausto Neto). Although the learning routine constitutes the master key of academic life in its exercise of habit, it is necessary to risk the attempt of insecure prediction of its possible exercise. Inse- cure because, tied to the repetition strategy that gave it a leadership role and social power, the University presents itself as a structure attached to the immovable and insensitive to move- ment. In this sense, we can understand that mediatization offers nothing to the University as it presents levels of action that sug-