Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

29 The Communicational Construction of Reality Ciro Marcondes In memorian1 Abstract: The text presents Ciro Marcondes Filho’s last confer- ence and public debates before his death. In the presentation, Ciro addresses the communicational construction of reality, raising questions that he considers central according to mo- ments in the history of the media concerning the species (dia- logue and cave painting; writing; technologies of reproduction; mass media). Starting from these questions, he situates the cen- tral problem: What kind of newman is being engendered by this society and marks this decisive moment in our culture? In the debate with José Luis Braga, Aidar Prado, and Isabel Lögfren, he updates these questions and crosses them with his perspective of a new theory of communication. Keywords: Construction of reality. Mediatization. Communi- cation. New theory. 1. Introduction The theme of this communication is the Communicational Construction of Reality and how Communication inter- fered with the forms of construction of reality. This theme will accompany us until the end of this exposition. 1 Ciro Marcondes died the week after the debate held after this conference. We kept the original text of his presentation, changing only seeking for adjustments to the written text. Afterward, we present the debate held with José Luis Braga and other researchers.