Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

41 Sapiens... Qui nesciat Social learning and the mediatized homo sapiens José Luiz Braga1 Abstract: The article starts from the general subject of the IV International Seminar on Mediatization Research: Mediatized Homo Sapiens. Its objective is to reflect, in a communicational perspective, on the heuristic tension between the two expres- sions. To relate the former, which is a comprehensive concept, with the latter, specific, it proposes the middle term “learning” – which refers to what is not yet known. It notes that the ex- pression “sapiens” erases an earlier process – the need to learn. Emphasizing learning aimed at the discovery and production of knowledge, the article studies three dimensions of learning and long-term interactional inventions, placing mediatization among them. It relates mediatization technologies with learning referring to the concepts of affordances, social experimentation, and criticism. It concludes by pointing out eight specific percep- tions that arise from the reflections developed in the body of the article. Keywords: Homo sapiens. Mediatization. Learning. Social experi- mentation. Criticism. 1. Situating the text For a comprehension of this article, it is relevant to mention contextual aspects that involve its elaboration. The first 1 Visiting professor at the Communication PPG at Universidade Federal de Goiás. ORCID: LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq. br/4251781990514288. E-MAIL: bragawarren@gmail.