Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Sapiens... Qui nesciat. Social learning and the mediatized homo sapiens 43 I orally expressed. Revisiting my answers, I found that the interview questions complemented the reflections, favoring the structure of this article. Thus, I was able to add to the texts some aspects requested by Neckel, whom I thank for the precise observation of my speech and the offer of exact mottos for the re- quired development. 2. Qui nesciunt As pointed out in the preliminary observations, the fo- cus of this article involves developing, from a communicational perspective, a relationship between the characterization of our species by the name Homo sapiens and the issue of contempo- rary mediatization. A possible relationship (which I did not adopt) would be to keep both terms in a long-term perspective, assuming the expression “mediatization” in a broad generic sense, taking it as even anticipating Sapiens – since Homo habilis, which precedes us, already technologically mediated its relations with the world by inventing instruments, by polishing the stone. The creation of intermediary technologies would have taken us, in the sequence, to the stage of “knowers” – sapiens – and would have crossed the history of the species. Although it would be a valid alternative, I think it would be more productive to focus on the relationships of the compre- hensive sapiens concept with the specific notion of “mediatiza- tion” – that is, referring to contemporary interactional technologies over a period of about one hundred and twenty years. To realize this correlation, I must establish a middle term, which can be directly related to the general evolutionary process of Homo sapiens, from its emergence until today; and which is now also put, in specific terms, for the media advance of the last century. It is about learning as discovery of new knowledge concerning the problems of the social context. Although the expression “learning” is commonly asso- ciated with the field of Education, I bring it here as a communicational notion. Before entering this discussion, however, I must