Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jacques A. Wainberg 114 ratory. One of these experiments shows that the degree of preci- sion of the emotion identified by the listener was 84.8% for joy, 87% for anger, 83.8% for surprise, and 81% for sadness. 3. In conclusion In conclusion, I suggest that the current reality, marked by the rapid adhesion of the masses to the media, technologi- cal convergence, and virtual entanglement, provides numerous examples that give to the concept of mediatization a solidity and clarity that old cases in the history of communication did not provide. I also suggest that the current influence of the media on the attitudes and behaviors of social actors has, to a large extent, the objective of managing collective emotions. The cases exam- ined in this presentation of the mediatization of the royalty, that of monarchy and the showbiz stars, and that of the mediatiza- tion of the voice, are examples that document how the actors now take into account the technological bias of the media in their interpretations.