Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jairo G. Ferreira 302 contrary poles constitute nature. Neutrons, protons, electrons, Bairon’s octet, black holes, stars, planets, satellites, meteors, cosmic storms, etcetera are poles in interaction. In these in- teractions, depending on the interactions between themselves or with other poles or systems, they can constitute systems or destroy each other, configuring new poles, systems, and en- vironments. A pole is a system and an internal environment; a system can have various poles and evironments; “external” environments can be composed of multiple poles and systems. In the solar system, for example, there are logics. But when the sun sends its energies, in material form - visible or not, it does not do it consciously, calculating when, how much, and in which direction to send a wave flow, etcetera. In ancient systems of thought, cosmology occupies a central place in the development of means. It is in Western modernity that media innovation and cosmology separate. In the organic nature semiosis, there is a central inter- position in the interactions: the algorithms. Their basic format is syllogism (“if”...”then”) and abductions. Abduction is at the basis of the adaptive processes in which systems are transformed in the face of the difference between their logics and the environ- ment. Therefore, what differentiates the logic of the cosmos and the logic of organic life, included in this cosmos, is the algorithm. Algorithms are the reference underlying the semiosis of organic nature. This syllogistic and abductive process occurs from vi- ruses (coronavirus, for instance) to human life forms. Socio-ma- terial algorithms increasingly appropriate these logics of nature and social life. 2. Algorithm in the mediatization perspective 2 Like other linguistic signs appropriated by the field of communication, an algorithm comes to us as a metaphor for an infinity of meanings requested by a semantic field. In this broad universe of meanings, it is valid for the execution of a culinary 2 This section reproduces, with modifications, a fragment of the text published in FERREIRA, Jairo. Algoritmo e midiatização: entre a digitalização e a busca de epistemologias críticas. In: XXIX ENCONTRO ANUAL DA COMPÓS, 2020, Campo Grande. XXIX Encontro Anual da Compós.