Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Mario Carlón 116 tive sessions2. The interest in this presentation lies in the fact that, apart from the specific results that the analysis allowed us to establish, it is an object of study that gave us the possibility of reaching determined general conclusions about the contempo- rary construction of events. We refer to questions such as how hypermediatization and new modes of circulation of meaning in the development of events are articulated in polarized con- temporaneous societies. The possibility of carrying out a com- parative analysis between current and past events is because the construction of events is one of the most characteristics and analyzed objects of postmodernity (ECO, 1995 [1968], 1994 [1983]; LUHMANN, 2000 [1996], DAYAN; KATZ, 1995 [1992]; VERÓN, 1983 [1981]; CARLÓN, 2004; CARLÓN; SCOLARI, 2009). 1. Postmodern events: analytical frameworks and characteristics There are, at least, four aspects that characterize the analyzes of events carried out in postmodernity that differ from those we can carry out today. The result of the articulation of these four elements is very important because it ended up providing a particular conception about the role of the mass media in the construction of reality (VERÓN, 1983 [1981]), a crucial conceptualization in a society that was beginning to theorize mediatized. In the conclusions, we will return to this topic and make some comments in light of the current situation in which hypermediatization plays a specific role in the construction of contemporary events. At first, since, in postmodernity, we lived in the age of the mass media, the media analysis was restricted to the media that were part of that system (radio, cinema, television, press, books, etc.) and the relationships they maintained with each 2 The research was carried out by the Ubacyt Project Team “La mediatización en el entretejido de los vínculos sociales”. Director: Mario Carlón, Damián Frati- celli, Gastón Cingolani, Rocío Rovner, Josefina de Mattei, Noelia Manso, David Taraborrelli, Juan Pablo Sokil, Andrea Sol Cialdella, Federico Fort, Camila Perey- ra, Cristian Blanco, Brenda Buczacki and Verónica Ordóñez. An audiovisual ver- sion of this analysis was presented at the First International Symposium on Research on Mediatization: