Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Sandra Massoni 68 honey market is very important in my country because Argentina is one of the world’s producers. The first National Beekeep- ing Plan was made with the ERC methodology. I participated in this research coordinating the fieldwork phase developed by the PROAPI team and with my colleague and friend Luciana Mar- gherit who later continued developing the work in its implemen- tation stage of the Communication Strategy Operational Plans. I am going to present here some results of the SM technique that I am highlighting in this case; the complete document of this En- active Research in Communication is published and available for consultation. An outstanding result is that only seven SM are listed as the differential modalities recognized in the territory under investigation (Table 1: BARRETO; MASSONI; MARGHERIT, 2012). Table 1. Sociocultural Matrices of the Enactive Research in Communication - Programa Nacional Apícola PROAPI. One of the advantages of the SM technique over others is its economic feasibility since it does not require census-type statistical samples (in which all the individuals that make up a population or community in a given area and at a given time are worked with), rather, an ERC works with statistical cluster sam- ples and, therefore, it implies a much lower financial investment. To see other cases of this methodology application, I invite you to enter the recently inaugurated interactive map of