Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

223 Complementary contribution to the discussion begun at the Seminary on mediatization Contribution complémentaire à la réflexion engagée au sein du Séminaire sur la médiatisation Bernard Miège 1 ABSTRACT : The chapter discusses perspectives on mediatiza- tion, taking up a debate begun at the School of Higher Studies and then continued at the Seminar on Mediatization itself, which resulted in the publication of books (Miège et alii, 2016 and Ferreira et alii, 2019) with contributions of mine. The core of these reflections contains the specific elements of my approach to mediatization (which might be called socio-symbolic), which differs fundamentally, and not only methodologically, from the semio-anthropological approach developed here at Unisinos and may be articulated with it, confronted with it and, under certain conditions, be complementary to it. I remind that the reference to mediatization is a source of confusion, since both among professionals and scholars we must distinguish at least four different meanings of the term. Based on these distinctions, I propose inferences about the relations between mediatization, incivility and intolerance. KEYWORDS : Mediatization. Mediations. Information and com- munication technologies. Intolerance. Incivility. 1 Professeur émérite– GRESEC, Université Grenoble Alpes. ORCID: https:// E-mail: