Sapiens midiatizado: conhecimentos comunicacionais na constituição da espécie

Antonio Fausto Neto 292 Palavras-chave: Pandemia. Midiatização. Universidade. Interpe- netrações. Sentidos. Abstract: We reflect on the manifestations of the pandemic in the university scenario, involving aspects of teaching, research, and extension, from the logic and operations of mediatization, whose effects affect routines of learning processes; interactions between training processes; forms of contact between profes- sors in the context of laboratory life; and the links of professors and students with institutions that constitute the broader social fabric. We examine, in particular, how the communicative ma- trix of the university – structured around mediating pedagogies – permeates by mediatization operations that replace forms of contact on which the work of the ‘doing together’ of the univer- sity was based until then. Experiments emerge whose foundations are chosen beyond the boundaries of the physical environ- ment of the university. If, on the one hand, the pandemic gen- erates discourses that inhibit interactional actions in the wider social fabric, on the other hand techno-discursive operations of mediatization, when intertwined with the university’s ‘architec- ture,’ are transforming the ambiance of the university, raising the question of whether we are facing an innovative university or one constituted of innovative environments built according to the complex effects of the pandemic’s winds. Keywords: Pandemic. Mediatization. University. Interpenetra- tion. Meanings. 1. Nota introdutória Este artigo desenvolve reflexões sobre as relações entre a universidade e a pandemia a partir de aspectos da midiati- zação, afetando sua arquitetura, lógicas, vínculos com a organi- zação social, além de práticas que envolvem o ensino, pesquisa e compartilhamentos de conhecimentos. Seu modelo, até então estruturado em torno da matriz interacional do “fazer em com- panhia”, vai dando lugar às novas possibilidades de intercâmbio, segundo dinâmicas que se interpenetram, envolvendo práticas sociais diversas. São cenários que permitem afirmar que a mi-